Welcome Guide for Current Residents

Tenant Responsibilities / Safety



This is not a complete list. See your lease for more tenant responsibilities. 

  • Abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the landlord in the rental agreement. 
  • Conduct yourselves and require any individual on the premises to conduct themselves, in a manner that does not violate the peaceful enjoyment of the neighbors. 
  • Do not deliberately destroy or damage any part of the unit or allow any other person to do so, whether known by the tenant or not. 
  • Use in a reasonable manner all utilities, facilities and appliances. 
  • Keep all fixtures as clean as their condition permits. 
  • Regularly remove all garbage and waste and dispose of them in the appropriate facilities. 
  • Maintain a clean and safe dwelling. 
  • Comply with all applicable housing and fire codes. 
  • Do not remove or tamper with a functioning smoke detector. 
  • Routine Responsibilities: Replacing air filters, smoke detector batteries and light bulbs; Floor/Carpet cleanliness; Clearing sink and toilet drains. 

Taken from the VRLTA (the body of Virginia law that governs us as landlords and you as tenants). 



  • Lock all doors and windows when you are away or home. If you have a broken lock, login to your online account and create a new service issue. 
  • Stop your mail with the post office if everyone is gone for a break. An accumulation of mail is a sign to potential burglars that no one is there. 
  • Leave a light, TV or radio on when everyone is away to give the appearance of someone being in the residence. 
  • Take all valuables home with you. If you must leave them, move them so that they are out of sight while you are away. 
  • Keep an inventory of your possessions (a video or pictures are a great way to do this). If there is a break-in, you will have a record of serial numbers and costs. 
  • When you go out, go with people you know and that will not leave you behind. If you are not going out with anyone in your house, let them know where you are going and when to expect you home. 
  • Keep your keys out when walking to your vehicle. 
  • Be alert to your surroundings. Remove your headphones and pocket your phone.