Welcome Guide for Current Residents
- Online Account Payments
- Parking / Keys & Lockouts
- How To Be A Good Neighbor
- Tenant Responsibilities / Safety
- Maintenance Issues
- Maintenance Continued: Save Your Security Deposit!
- Utilities
- Love Where You Live
- Welcome To Matchbox Realty
- Contact Information
- From Our Facilities Team
- Animals / Pets
- Move-In Inspection / Leases
Online Account Payments
Tenant Online Accounts and Passwords are created during the application process. Use the Account Number that was provided on your Welcome Booklet (Rental Guide) at move-in.
*Guarantors need to add an email address and password to access the existing online account.
*For tenants on a Joint Account with a Master Account, use the Master Account Number on the welcome booklet, and then add an email address and password to the master account.
*View LATE FEES policy at bottom of this page
For Current Residents:
*If you have moved from one unit we manage to another, including within the same community, you will receive a new account number – this is how you pay rent and turn in work orders. There is no need to re-apply.
1. From MatchboxRealty.com. Click “Login”, then click “Residents”. > GO NOW
2. Location: Property
3. Click on “Sign Up”
4. Enter the Tenant’s Account Number provided by Matchbox
5. Provide an email address (this will be your Username)
6. Enter birth date (For commercial or joint master accounts use 01/01/2001)
7. Click on “Sign Up”
8. You will receive a Confirmation email; Click on link in this email
9. Create a Password then click Finalize
1. Log in to your Account
2. Click “Make a Payment” tab to go to the payment page
3. Enter the payment amount in the box
4. Choose your payment type: Account on File; Credit / Debit Card (convenience fee is 4.25% of payment amount); or Checking/Savings ($2.60 convenience fee per transaction)
5. Enter your account information
6. Click on “Make a Payment”
7. On the Payment Confirmation page, click on the 2nd box to agree to the payment conditions
8. Click on the 1st box if you want to save your account information for future Webpays.
*Note: This does NOT enable automatic payments each month. See Tenant Scheduled Auto Pay.
9. Click on “Pay Now”
10. The Confirmation Page will give you an option to print a receipt
Auto Pay automatically drafts on day(s) of each month specified by the tenant.
- You can set up autopay using a Checking or Savings Account ($2.60 convenience fee per transaction); or
Credit or Debit Card (the convenience fee is 4.25% of payment amount)
- Log in to your Account
- On the upper right-hand corner, click on drop down window and click on “Saved Payment Information”
- Enter your payment information, click on “Save Payment Information”, and then click on “Enable Automatic Payments”
- Automatic Payments:
- Specify the Day of Month for the payment draft (We recommend the 1st)
- Rent charges are posted to accounts on the 22nd of each month
*prior to this date Rent cannot be drafted - Late fees are charged on the 5th of each month
*on this date late fees will be charged & may be drafted with the balance
- Rent charges are posted to accounts on the 22nd of each month
- Select Payment Type
- Balance Due (Rent + other charges due)
*Note: Maximum Amount must be specified. Do not leave this as $0.00. - Specific Amount (Example: your individual Rent only if part of a Joint Account)
*Note: Specify Amount in the box- This option will draft the set amount even if there is no balance due.
- If the full balance is not paid, the account may incur a late fee.
- Balance Due (Rent + other charges due)
5. Your next scheduled automatic payment will be displayed. You can print or save this screen for your records.
6. Log out of the account
DE-ACTIVATING AUTO PAY: Log in to your account before the scheduled day of payment and click on “Remove your Saved Payment Information”.
Cash Pay allows a tenant to electronically pay rent with cash at over 25,000 locations using a unique number assigned to your tenant account, with the transaction appearing instantly in Rent Manager.
Cash Pay is convenient for tenants who are out of town when rent is due, or tenants who don’t want to use a check, credit card or money order. Locations vary by zip code but include Walmart & Kroger. For Cash Pay locations, go to https://paylease.com/cashpay/locations
- Contact us at Info@MatchboxRealty.com for your unique Account ID Number.
- Present your Account ID Number to any Cash Pay location and pay with cash for your account balance plus a $4 transaction fee.
- The payment is instantly reflected on your tenant account. Keep your receipt & Account ID.
- Matchbox offices do NOT accept cash.
In addition, Matchbox also accepts the following forms of payment:
- Personal Check/Money Order/Cashier’s Check ($10 redirecting fee is applied to check payments not sent to the Chantilly address listed below)
- Bank Bill Pay Check
(Monthly check payments to Matchbox set up through your bank)
P.O. Box 222312
Chantilly, VA
ALL Checks and Money Orders must have the following information:
- The date you are writing the check. Do not postdate. Use four-digit number for Year.
- “Matchbox Realty”
- Amount of the check in numbers
- Amount of the check in words (This is the official amount of your payment, if different from #3.)
- Your Matchbox Account Number; Your Unit Number; and the full name of the tenant if different from the name on the check
- Your signature which should match the signature on file with your bank
For #5 and #6, do not write over the numbers at the bottom of the check.
Rent is always due on the 1st of every month, and is considered late anytime after the 1st.
If the rental payment is not received by the 5th of the month at 5PM, a Late Fee, as specified on page 1 of your lease, of 10% of the monthly rent, or 10% of the unpaid balance, whichever is less, will be assessed against Tenant. Any rental payment received after legal action has been initiated by Landlord will be accepted with reservation, and will be applied to delinquent rent due, but will not affect any legal action instituted by Landlord against Tenant to recover delinquent rent and possession of the Dwelling Unit.
Matchbox is not responsible for late payments due to delays in the postal service system. Signing up for auto pay online keeps you from having to remember one more thing to do every month and helps in avoiding late fees!!