Welcome Guide for Current Residents
- Online Account Payments
- Parking / Keys & Lockouts
- How To Be A Good Neighbor
- Tenant Responsibilities / Safety
- Maintenance Issues
- Maintenance Continued: Save Your Security Deposit!
- Utilities
- Love Where You Live
- Welcome To Matchbox Realty
- Contact Information
- From Our Facilities Team
- Animals / Pets
- Move-In Inspection / Leases
Parking / Keys & Lockouts
Public Parking, with time limits, is available throughout Harrisonburg for free. Private parking is available at certain Matchbox properties. For your specific parking policies, refer to your Parking Policy Addendum.
Parking permits are issued to tenants and should be positioned on the lower left corner of the rear window of the vehicle, unless instructed otherwise. Replacement fees are assessed for lost or damaged parking permits. Be sure to update your sticker for the new year by the expiration dated of each year.
Guest passes are offered at select Matchbox properties and should be hung on the rear view mirror of the guest vehicle where they are clearly visible. Additionally, some properties require that you park in guest parking, as well as, display the guest parking tag. Refer to your signed parking policy for the policy for your specific community.
To avoid being ticketed or towed, follow all parking rules for both public, and private parking spaces. For additional information on parking in downtown Harrisonburg, visit https://www.harrisonburgva.gov/downtown-parking
Each person on the lease is issued a house key. Many properties also have a clubhouse, pool, FOB or laundry key that will be issued to each person on the lease. Some properties also require a mailbox key, but only one mailbox key is issued per unit for everyone to share. Keys are $25 to have replaced if they are lost, damaged, or not returned. FOBs are $75 in the same scenario. In all properties, the fobs and/or keys must be turned in by 12:00 Noon of your lease-end day to avoid key/fob charges.
If you are locked out of your unit during normal business hours, please contact our office. If a Matchbox employee is available to come let you in, we will send someone. Otherwise, you will need to come to the downtown office or your property’s satellite office. Charleston Townes, Campus View Apartments and Urban Exchange have the keys in their leasing office. If you borrow a key, it must be returned within 5 business days. If the key is not returned by end of the day on the 5th business day, your account will be charged $25; unreturned fobs are charged $75. Onced charged to your account, the fee cannot be removed.
If you are locked out after normal business hours, call 540-434-5150 ext. 7. You must have an ID, as Tenant of the building. As per your lease, there is a $75 cash lockout fee that must be paid at the time the tenant is granted access. ($75 is much less expensive than a busted door jamb. Do NOT force your way in).
No keys will be issued to anyone other than the tenant without prior written consent. This includes issuing keys to roommates.