Welcome Guide for Current Residents
- Online Account Payments
- Parking / Keys & Lockouts
- How To Be A Good Neighbor
- Tenant Responsibilities / Safety
- Maintenance Issues
- Maintenance Continued: Save Your Security Deposit!
- Utilities
- Love Where You Live
- Welcome To Matchbox Realty
- Contact Information
- From Our Facilities Team
- Animals / Pets
- Move-In Inspection / Leases
Maintenance Issues
What do you do when something is broken and you don’t know how to fix it? First, check this Maintenance section for some simple trouble shooting tips on common maintenance problems. You can also go to our website’s FAQs for more tips and videos!
If the issue you’re having isn’t in this booklet, online or these tips just didn’t work, log onto your online account and create a new ticket under the Service Issue tab. Always be as detailed as possible. Include where exactly the issue is occurring, when it began, and what you have done, if anything, to fix the problem. Information such as which bedroom or bathroom, which floor the issue is on, or a description of the area where we can locate the issue. If you have moved from one unit we manage to another, including within the same community, you must use your new account number to enter a work order. Your old account number will not work. Remember, this is your home and you know it well but the technicians may not. Here is an example of a common issue:
If you create a Service Issue and the problem is fixed by anyone in your unit, or just stops being an issue, you must contact our office immediately to cancel the work order or you could be charged for maintenance coming to your unit when there is no longer an issue.
In the event of a non life threatening Emergency Maintenance Issue, like a pipe breaking or a washer flooding, please contact our office immediately by calling 540-434-5150 ext 0 or, if it is after hours, use ext 7.
For any emergencies that could threaten someone’s life or safety, contact 911.
Our maintenance company works normal business hours, Monday-Friday. Outside of those hours is their time to spend with their families and enjoy. Please understand Service Issues will not be completed outside of those hours unless there is an emergency.
Submit a maintenance request / work order
Kitchen Sink/Garbage Disposal
When having issues with your garbage disposal, please try these tips before placing a work order. 1) Reset the garbage disposal. 2) Loosen the blades using the wrenchette. Visit https://youtu.be/KWFHdfjRBL8 for step by step instructions. Check the back of your disposal for a wrenchette. If it is not there, contact your Portfolio Manager as our office may have one you can borrow for up to 24 hours.
Front Loading Washing Machines
Water can sit between the rubber gasket and drum on front loading washing machines this can cause mold/mildew to grow. To prevent this, simply wipe with mild soap & water after each use and keep the door open when not in use. If you do notice mold, use a sponge to apply a mixture consisting of half white vinegar and half peroxide. To ensure small items do not get stuck in the machines pump, we recommend washing these items in a mesh bag.
HE Laundry Detergent
HE washing machines require High Efficiency laundry detergents. These machines use less water and energy, saving you money on your utility bills. Using detergents that are not labeled HE can damage the machines and require additional maintenance that will be charged to the tenant.
Laundry Detergents
Not all laundry detergents are created equal. Powder laundry detergents can cause buildup on the water level sensor causing the washer to continue to fill and ultimately overflow the washer. Please avoid using powder detergents and opt for liquid detergents instead. See HE Laundry Detergent for HE machines.
Heat Pumps/HVAC Units
When your heat is turned on, the blowing air coming from the vent may feel cool to your hand due to the air being cooler than your body temperature, but can still warm your home. Please allow the pump to run a few cycles before entering a service issue for heat not working properly. If you are not getting any air flow, please check the breakers before entering an issue.
Also, in extreme cold temperatures, heat pumps are not as effective warming your home. Electric heat pumps have auxiliary heat that help the system try to keep up, but will increase your electric bill.
HVAC Filters
Changing your air filter monthly will reduce the dust in the air as well as save money on your electric bill by allowing your HVAC unit to run most efficiently. The size and location of filters vary between properties. If you have questions regarding the installation or size of your filter please contact your Portfolio Manager. Filters that have not been replaced upon inspection will be replaced by maintenance and charges will be applied to your account. Do not use pleated filters. If you have had a washable filter installed in your unit, you do NOT replace these. You will rinse them, let them dry and then re-install.
Window AC
Please remember to remove the units when the weather cools. Window AC units allow a lot of heat to escape the unit, increasing your electric bill, when it is cold outside. It is also an easy access point for pests and break-ins.
Water Shut Off
Leaks happen. Most often they occur at a sink or toilet. If you have a water leak in your kitchen or bathroom, you should shut off the water going to your sinks or toilet. There is a knob under the sink or behind the toilet. Simply turn the knob to shut the water off (righty – tighty, lefty – loosey). If your water is off, the toilet will not refill after flushing. Flush the toilet after water is turned off to remove any excess water from the tank. It will only shut the water off to that sink or toilet. If you experience any small or large leaks, please create a service issue right away. If you have a large water leak, please shut off the water and contact our office immediately. If you plan to leave for an extended period of time, please turn your toilet tank shut off 1/4 turn. This will prevent accidental issues while you are away.
Clogged Toilets
Try a toilet plunger first. If you don’t have a plunger or if it does not work, try adding some dish soap and a bucket of hot water. Let the soap seep into the clog lubricating the trap way. Then add the bucket of hot water letting the trap way clear. Every year we have tenants flush items such as grease and other food items, aquarium gravel, pet litter/waste, personal hygiene “flushable” wipes and feminine hygiene products down the toilets. These will clog toilets and result in a tenant charge to repair the issue.
Many properties have double hung windows. The bottom moves up and down. The top portion of the window can sometimes slide down when the windows are unlocked. To get them to lock, you will need to push the top of the window up and at the same time, push the bottom window down, aligning the locking mechanisms to ensure the window is secure.
Smoke Detectors
DO NOT REMOVE SMOKE DETECTORS OR BATTERIES. Changing batteries is a tenant responsibility. If there is a beeping in your home, the batteries in one or multiple detectors are running low and need to be changed. After changing the battery, push the test/reset button to reset. We recommend keeping some 9V batteries in your home for emergencies like this.
If you experience mildew issues, and it is NOT due to a water leak or something maintenance needs to address, please use a sponge to apply a mixture consisting of half white vinegar and half peroxide. If walls appear stained after drying, and/or still feel spongy, put in a service request for us to investigate. Using your bathroom exhaust fan during and after you take a shower/bath will allow the moisture/humidity to be evacuated and reduce the chances of mildew forming. If your bathroom does not have an exhaust fan, crack the window to bring in fresh air.
Light Bulbs
Per your lease, tenants are expected to replace any burnt out light bulbs in the unit. Please be sure to use identical light bulbs with the same wattage and color temperature as were in the fixtures at move in. If you have issues replacing or reaching light bulbs, please contact our office. *It is suggested you take the actual bulb when purchasing a new one.
Power Outages
If you experience any unexplained power outages, please check the GFI outlets in the kitchen and bathrooms and your breakers in your panel box before creating a service issue. Be sure not to put too many plugs in one area. All switches in the breaker box should be evenly aligned on one side. If there is one (or multiple) switch that is slightly not aligned, then flip the switch off (the opposite direction of the rest of the switches) and back on again. If that did not resolve your power issues, log onto your online account and create a service issue.
Appliances Not Turning On?
Many times this will happen if a power cord gets knocked out of the wall. Follow the cord to the wall to confirm that it is plugged in. Also check the breaker box to see if a breaker or GFI needs to be reset (see above).