Thank you choosing MG to enjoy the off campus life! We wish you only the best of luck in your future endeavors, and invite you to request a rental reference from us shall that requirement ever arise in your future housing needs. Keep in mind that Matchbox Realty also offers an assortment of non-student housing options if you plan to stick around the ‘Burg post-graduation!
Moving out can be stressful. We’re here to help! WE WANT YOU TO RECEIVE A FULL SECURITY DEPOSIT REFUND. Please take advantage of all the resources provided below so that we can (hopefully) mail you a check, not a bill.
Let US help YOU! These helpful checklists were written by MG staff with the help of Matchbox Realty, who has provided students with off campus living options since 2011. These checklists continue to grow each year with the intention to help each of our residents receive as much of a refund possible.
Unreturned keys are $25 each & unreturned fobs are $75 each – yikes! Simply fill out a key return envelope (there are blank copies on the side of the drop box located in front of our clubhouse) so that we have your bedroom key, mail key and key fob, as well as your forwarding address for the Security Deposit Release Form. Be sure to print legibly, and fill the envelope out in its’ entirety. *If you MUST mail your key(s), please use a padded envelope and send via CERTIFIED mail so you (and us!) can confirm receipt. Keys sent in a regular envelope usually rip and are lost in transit. You are liable if you key(s) do not make it to our office. Send to: Matchbox Realty 202 N. Liberty Street Suite 101; Harrisonburg, VA 22801, and don’t forget to include a forwarding address for your Security Deposit Release Form.
Comcast/Xfinity charges a hefty fee for unreturned remotes, cords & cable receiver boxes. This equipment is registered to the name of the roommate(s) who picked up this equipment at the beginning of your lease. Visit their office at 1546 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 to return your Comcast/Xfinity equipment. Our 2¢: Collect all your Comcast/Xfinity equipment, secure in a plastic bag & drop it off. Each piece of equipment has an ID #, so they know which account to log the returned equipment to.
Please remove your Parking Decals/Guest Passes and return them with your keys at move-out. Put them inside the key envelope so we have record of them being returned. Unreturned parking passes will incur a fee.
Personal belongings, trash, unwanted furniture, etc. left in your apartment will need to removed. At what cost, you ask? Maintenance charges $42/hour/man. This does not include the possibility of landfill dump fees. Our advice – donate!
We support Open Doors and Our Community Place in our donation endeavors. If you have a question about what can or cannot be donated, please contact Mary Messerley, President of Residential Services, at
The maids are contracted at a certain rate to clean your apartment. Any amount over and above that rate will come back to you as a deduction from your security deposit. Pay close attention to baseboards, soap scum in bathrooms, oven interior, etc. – any task that the maids would spend an excessive amount of time to clean. Please replace your burner pans; They’re only about $5-10 per 4 piece set at any home improvement store.
If you chose to paint your walls, and then repaint them, we’ll need to send professional painters to fix your handiwork if not painted well and to our standards. The paint colors for Madison Gardens are registered at the local Benjamin Moore Shenandoah Paint & Decorating Center. Additionally, there are different colors for trim, walls, etc. Be sure to let the Benjamin Moore associate know which room you’re painting. As a rule of thumb: keep in mind that paints ages. If you do paint, be sure to paint entire walls at a time instead of touch-up in small areas (you’ll be able to tell where the “touchup” was done otherwise). *We understand that minor scuffing is inevitable in high-trafficked areas of your apartment (such as under the kitchen bar, entryway, etc.) since MG uses a flat-based paint. However, adhesives/decal wall damage, drywall damage, LED light strip damage, large screw holes (from a flat-mounted TV, surfboard hung, etc.) and any damage to the ceiling are a few examples of what is considered over/above reasonable wear/tear.
By law, your Property Manager must complete your move-out inspection no later than 72 hours from this time. With that being noted, we are prompt with move-out inspections. If we find you do not move-out on time, the lease states that you and your roommates will be charged 150% of the per diem rent plus other penalties per the Lease.
Your security deposit is held in escrow for the duration of your lease term until we assess damages (if any) after your lease end date.
If you shut-off your water or electric service prior to your lease end date, the lease states that you and your roommates will receive a $50 fine. If all 4 roommates will be gone for the entire summer and you want to save a few bucks, you can certainly shut off the breaker for items that will be completely out of use when you’re gone! We do NOT suggest turning off the power to your refrigerator or your safety devices (smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors).
When providing an email address, please provide an email other than your school email address. If necessary, we may send you an email that allows us an additional 15 days to process your SDRF. If, upon receipt of the SDRF, you disagree with any charges: Disputes must be made in writing to no later than 20 days of receipt of the Security Deposit Release Form.